Epraise is our online school rewards programme that motivates and engages students to be successful in behaviour and attendance. Epraise allows parents to communicate with all staff and is our main comms between home and school.
There are a range of rewards which are earned by the pupils for excellent achievement in any aspect of the curriculum or exceptional service to the school as well as good or improved attendance. These are recorded as ePraise points by all staff and are added to the ePraise system which can be viewed by pupils and parents and carers online.
ePraise Categories
Rewards will vary according to the nature of the action and the circumstance. The following options are available to staff when rewarding pupils:
There are four houses St Kenelm, St Bernadette, St Wulstan, St Chad and ST John Henry Newman. Each pupil is assigned to one of these at the beginning of the academic year. The House System promotes and encourages a sense of belonging, pride and achievement - all positive elements which contribute to the importance of upholding the School Behaviour Policy.
We offer a range of support and interventions in school to support the emotional wellbeing of all our children. This list below is always developing and growing depending on the needs that we have within school.
Part of the system allows us to share some of that data with parents – so here are some live stats from our system (pupils can login from home – HERE)
If you haven't done so please download the Epraise APP.