
At St. Bede’s Catholic Middle School, we are all God’s children working together to be our best in love, learning, service, and worship.  We welcome all, as our brothers and sisters in God’s family.   

Inclusion at our school is deep-rooted within our distinct Catholic values. This was acknowledged within our Inclusion Quality Mark - Flagship Status in March 2024.  

‘The Catholic ethos permeates every aspect of the school culture and is integral to the inclusive values and principles. This ethos is very welcoming and appreciative of those who do not necessarily share the same beliefs.’ 

We commit to treating our whole school and the wider community with dignity and respect. We will respect the race, culture, religion, gender, disability, or social background of every child to ensure they fulfil their potential within a proactive, loving, and caring environment.  

Equality is advanced by providing accessibility and reasonable adjustments which will empower all members of our community.  Our rich and diverse school community is represented fully within our curriculum and school environment. 

St Bede’s Catholic Middle School Achieves Flagship Status | IQM (

IQM ReportIQM ReportIQM Report


Please click on the links in this section to find out all about the inclusive nature of St Bede's.



Worcester Dyslexia Association (HWDA)

Please find the link to the new website. HDWA hope to increase awareness of dyslexia and how they are able to support children, young people with dyslexia and related difficulties.

There are also free resources and links for further support to families. 

Inclusion Team

Our Inclusion Team:

SENDCO and SLE in Special Educational Needs: Mr West

PHA Co-ordinator: Miss James

Chaplaincy Team: Miss Downes & Father Mahoney

Associate SENDCO's: Mrs Leonhardt

Mental Health First Aiders:

Mrs Melsom

Miss Stewart

Miss Steele

Mrs Wintle

Miss James

Mr Delo

Mr Evans

Learning mentors:

Mrs Saenger

Mrs Penlington

Mrs Steer

Mrs Hall

Miss Chu

Mr Frost-Symmonds

Mr Frost

Education Psychologist

Education Mental Health Practitioner: Ms McInerney

SEN Governor Representative: Mrs Alexandra Pyatt


Mr Shires (Deputy Headteacher)

Mrs Melsom (Head of KS2)

Mrs Wintle (Head of KS3)

Mrs Peskett (Pastoral Manager Ks2)

Mrs James (Pastoral Manager Ks3)

Mr Delo (Academic Coach)

Greater Depth/ PHA (Previously Higher Attaining)

Greater Depth Pupils – PHA (Previously Higher Attaining)

Our Terminology

The DfE and Ofsted define the more able in terms of those whose progress significantly exceeds age related expectations. Exceptionally able pupils are those who have the capacity to achieve or perform at the very highest levels.

The defining terminology used within St Bede’s for more able pupils is ‘Previously Higher Attaining’ (PHA), meaning they have a history of working well above average expectation. In terms of their reports, these pupils will have targets listed as ‘Greater Depth’, and this is also the terminology used in lessons.

Our Aims

At St. Bede’s, we aim to create an environment in which all pupils are encouraged to develop their full potential as individuals, spiritually, mentally and physically.  All pupils, including those with particular gifts or talents, have a right to an education that is suited to their specific needs and abilities.

We strive to offer able pupils challenging and interesting work that stretches and extends their knowledge and skills.  We look for opportunities to recognise and celebrate excellence in all areas of the both the taught curriculum and beyond.  We want to help all our pupils prepare for the modern world by encouraging creativity, skills and critical thought. 

We seek to ensure that such pupils are identified within each area of learning and that those pupils then have the opportunity to gain access to experiences that will help to develop their talents in the best possible way.

Our Provision

The school uses a number of strategies to identify ability and monitor achievement and progress. In addition to the use of verified and validated test scores, able pupils are also identified through teacher nomination. When the nominations are received, these are then collated to form registers of PHA pupils, which are communicated to all staff so that the extended needs of the pupils can be met.

In lessons, teachers are encouraged to provide PHA pupils with options for deepening their level of understanding. Providing open-ended tasks that allow pupils to explore a concept in their own way and control their own learning is just one way in which we help more able pupils to flourish. In addition to this, more complex, specifically tailored tasks (known as ‘Diamond Tasks’) are set to encourage pupils to really show their ability and skills.

In addition to provision in lessons, we also have a wide and varied programme of activities outside of the timetabled curriculum to help our pupils reach their potential. We also encourage pupils to extend their opportunities further by becoming involved in clubs and activities run by local organisations. There is also a wide range of Greater Depth/PHA resources available on the school website, which cover areas including how to develop successful personal, organisational and academic skills, as well as pastoral guidance.

If you have any questions regarding the provision for PHA pupils at St. Bede’s, please contact the Miss James the Lead Teacher for PHA/Greater Depth Pupils at



Lumi Nova

Lumi Nova: Helping young people manage their worries 

We are delighted to share with you a new NHS funded service designed to support young people aged 7-12 who are experiencing worries or anxieties, Lumi Nova. 

What is Lumi Nova? 

Lumi Nova is an intergalactic adventure game to support young people to fight fears and manage worries. Whilst exploring planets, customising characters and earning treasure your child breaks their fears and worries down into manageable steps, learning life-long skills and building resilience. 

Watch this short, animated video to learn more: Introducing Lumi Nova: A therapeutic mobile game for children’s worries and anxiety 

Who can use Lumi Nova? 

Lumi Nova was created for 7 – 12-year-olds (school years 3 – 7) who are having difficulties with fears, worries, or anxiety related to social situations, separation or phobias. 

Lumi Nova is ideal for children who may: 

·         lack confidence to try new things 

·         seem unable to face simple everyday challenges 

·         find it hard to concentrate 

·         have problems with sleeping or eating 

·         have angry outbursts 

·         have negative thoughts about what’s going to happen 

·         be avoiding everyday activities, e.g. going to school, seeing friends 

·         become irritable, tearful or clingy 

How do you access Lumi Nova? 

Accessing Lumi Nova is quick and easy. Use the link below to register and you will receive a text message to guide you through getting started. BfB Labs - VitaMind Hub 

To find out more visit Lumi Nova: Tales of Courage or join a parent information webinar Lumi Nova: Discovery Session for Parents Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite 
